Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What to do?

Okay - instead of my rambling on with background information about myself, I will spare you the details. I believe that any readers I have will either 1) know me already (and still love me regardless), or 2) be smart enough to figure out my passions, quirks and neuroses.

So, the school year has started. Zoe is back in school. I have TIME DURING THE DAY! What to do? Well, for starters.......

...... I signed up for Spanish classes that were under $300 and meet during the school day. You would think that growing up on the border and having lived in Houston for the past 4 years, I would have picked more up than "Disculpe, pero no hablo Espanol". You would think wrong, mi amigo.

.......I am thinking about crepes. Sweet and savory. Not sure if it would be a cart or small stall. Going to spend the next couple of months working on batters, fillings and combinations. Might even have to travel for 'menu development' (bonjour France!). Like most of my endeavors, I will start with a bang and trail off with a whimper, only to be overtaken by the next BIG IDEA.

....... I have more time to avoid finishing P90X. Yes, THAT P90X, of informercial fame. Guess what, folks? It works. Really, really well. You should see my husband! I do enjoy it, but see the above paragraph as to why I am having to force myself to stay on track and finish.

Other than that, we have had our first cool morning of the year. Heaven. Makes one start to appreciate nature instead of curse it, as is the norm here in Houston. Hope you all have the opportunity to step outside and take it all in.


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